Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 3 Veggies & Fruit Day: Ahhh Variety 

Day 3: On this day you are to limit yourself to what you ate on day 1 and 2 with the exception of the potato :( Stay away from starchy veggies and bananas.  Don't forget your 8-12 cups of water and your Wonder Soup when desired.

My Journey: I woke up this day feeling real tired and wanting to crawl back in to bed but I forced myself to the gym. I ate  a few pieces of cantaloupe on my in to give me a bit of energy. Thank God for endorphin because they got me through this morning. I was hungry and looking forward to the smoothie I planned on  making.

Breakfest: A big smoothie. Instead of buying frozen fruit I simply froze my fresh cut fruit from day one.

Lunch: Garlic roasted asparagus, an apple and romaine lettuce with tomatoes dressed with balsamic vinegar.

Dinner: A big bowl of romaine lettuce, tomato, onions and balsamic vinegar.

Snack: An apple and some cantaloupe

Reflection: This was the hardest day for me. I really wanted a can of Diet Coke and I was so over fruits and vegetables. But I got through it! I was ultra grumpy today and was glad to be going to bed. I wanted nothing to do with the soup so I refrained. I was proud of myself for getting through it and having the will power to do so. I'm so looking forward to Day 4 being I LOVE BANANAS &
Fresh Cut Smoothie Recipe
1 Apple 
5 Cantaloupe cubes 
2 Pineapple wedges
3 Mango slices 
1 cup of ice

I had these fruits on hand freshly cut and put in the freezer. I places all of these in the blender with the ice. It was yummy and a great on the go breakfast. 

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