Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 3 Veggies & Fruit Day: Ahhh Variety 

Day 3: On this day you are to limit yourself to what you ate on day 1 and 2 with the exception of the potato :( Stay away from starchy veggies and bananas.  Don't forget your 8-12 cups of water and your Wonder Soup when desired.

My Journey: I woke up this day feeling real tired and wanting to crawl back in to bed but I forced myself to the gym. I ate  a few pieces of cantaloupe on my in to give me a bit of energy. Thank God for endorphin because they got me through this morning. I was hungry and looking forward to the smoothie I planned on  making.

Breakfest: A big smoothie. Instead of buying frozen fruit I simply froze my fresh cut fruit from day one.

Lunch: Garlic roasted asparagus, an apple and romaine lettuce with tomatoes dressed with balsamic vinegar.

Dinner: A big bowl of romaine lettuce, tomato, onions and balsamic vinegar.

Snack: An apple and some cantaloupe

Reflection: This was the hardest day for me. I really wanted a can of Diet Coke and I was so over fruits and vegetables. But I got through it! I was ultra grumpy today and was glad to be going to bed. I wanted nothing to do with the soup so I refrained. I was proud of myself for getting through it and having the will power to do so. I'm so looking forward to Day 4 being I LOVE BANANAS &
Fresh Cut Smoothie Recipe
1 Apple 
5 Cantaloupe cubes 
2 Pineapple wedges
3 Mango slices 
1 cup of ice

I had these fruits on hand freshly cut and put in the freezer. I places all of these in the blender with the ice. It was yummy and a great on the go breakfast. 

Day 2 Veggie Day: What's up doc?

Day Two: On this day you are to limit yourself to all the vegetables you desire AND a baked potato for breakfast. It is recommended that you avoid more starchy veggies like corn and peas. Again you will need to consume 8-12 cups of water. Along with the pile of greens you can have all the Wonder Soup you want.

My Journey: I woke up this morning reaching for the bottle of Advil due to a nagging headache. From what I have read this is normal given the drastic diet change. Once I got that under control I hit the gym. It was Sunday and the gym was quite empty much to my liking. I didn't go real hard but I managed a good 40 minutes of cardio. Once I got home I was HUNGRY!

Breakfast: I really wanted to have our usually Sunday breakfast especially since I still whipped it up for my family... Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and toast but I was happy to have a baked potato with a bit of butter, salt and pepper. It was delish!

Lunch: Garlic roasted asparagus and baked yellow squish with onions. (See recipe below)

Dinner: A veggie kabob consisting of bell pepper, onion, mushroom, tomato, asparagus and yellow squish accompanied by a romaine salad dressed with balsamic vinegar.

Snack: Wonder Soup.

Refection: I got through day 2... phew! I struggled again without Diet Coke but I made sure to down at least 8 cups of water. The saying is true "you want what you can't have" because I really wanted some fruit :) I was looking forward to tomorrow being able to have all the fruit and veggies I want!

Garlic Roasted Asparagus
15 Stems of asparagus
1 Teaspoon of  garlic
Salt and Pepper as desired
A squeeze of lemon
Coat the pan with cooking spray and toss asparagus.
Bake at 325 for 30 minutes.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 1 Fruit Day: A day full of color

Day One: On this day you are to limit yourself to fruits with the exception of bananas. Also be prepared to hold off on any and all beverages besides WATER! You will need to consume 8-12 cups a day. Don't forget The Wonder Soup that can be consumed daily whenever desired.

My Journey: Of course I waited until the last minute to stock my house up with what I needed. My alarm Rang at 6 AM and that lead me to good ol' Walmart. I stocked up on Pineapple, Mango, Cantaloupe and Apples. After scoring some good deals I rushed to the gym where I hopped on the elliptical for 30 minutes. When I returned home I cut, sliced and diced....

Breakfast: A couple slices of Mango, Pineapple and 2 cups of water.

Lunch: Quarter of a cantaloupe and  2 cups of water

Dinner: By this time I was craving something with salt and was wishing it was tomorrow. So after much research, I made the Wonder Soup. I would have named this If I Have To Soup. :) It really wasn't bad and a nice change. I had a big bowl of Wonder Soup, an apple and 2 cups of water.

Snacks: I munched on a couple bites of fruit  throughout the day and kept a glass of ice water in hand.

Reflections: I got through day 1... Not an easy task. The hardest part of the day was not having any Diet Coke. I love that stuff. I had to pop a couple Advil throughout the day but I got through it. The water was a big help and I pat myself on the back as drinking 8 cups of water is a big feat for me.
1 head of cabbage
6 tomatoes
3 onions
1 bell pepper
3 carrots
3 stems of celery 
4 cups of water
2 cups of organic vegetable broth
seasoned and spiced as desired
You can cook this in any variation as you wish. I sauteed the onions, pepper, carrots and celery before adding the rest of the veg and liquid. You can also add any other veg as you please. I cooked this on med until all the veg had softened. 
TIPS: I added crushed pepper for a little spice and I was very happy doing so. I am not real big on spicy food but the little spice really tricked my mind into thinking it was consuming something substantial.